is online application form -ups realised is vacant 2016_2017 whose candidates are waiting for UPSC big exam .ready boys your hard work and your luck go next exam.the all candidates if you want to fill online application form.some steps are following and fill the gas form.
the upsc 1079 vacancy open. the interested students fill a form
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SO all students do not wait for last date and fast fill the application form. ias exam is a big exam and post in india.(indian administration services).so students want ready.
IAS pre exam held on 7 august 2016 the upsc ias exam take three part.
the first part is ias pre and a-.+*
{"l question are coming objective type.and negative marking is 1/3..and next exam is ias main and all question arouse coming writing type.and negative marking is 1/3.or last time ias main pass students calling for interview.and selected candidates training start.
ias application form.-
examination fees-
last date online application form.
admit card start print date- service name
1. indian administration services
2. indian police serivce
3. indian foreign services
4. indian revenue services
5. indian forest services
6. Indian P&T Accounts & FINANCE Service, Gr. ‘A’
7. Indian Audit & Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A’
8. Indian Defence Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A
9. Indian Defence Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A
10. Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Gr. ‘A’
11. Indian Postal Service, Gr. ‘A.
12. Indian Railway Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A’
13. Indian Defense Estate Service Gr. ‘A’
14. indian railway administrtion services
15. Indian Information Service Gr. ‘A’
16 Indian Trade Service Gr. ‘A’ (Gr. III)
17 Indian Corporate Law Service Gr. ‘A’
18 Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Services Gr. ‘B’ (Section Officers Grade)
19 Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu, and Dadar& Nagar haveli Civil Service, Gr. ‘B’
20 Pondicherry Civil Services Group B.
age limit-
students age between 21 year to 33 year and some caste category relaxation on age .
.sc/st man relaxation 5 year.
.obc/bc man relaxation 3 year.
.general women relaxation 5 year.
.pwd candidates relaxation 3 year.
{"l question are coming objective type.and negative marking is 1/3..and next exam is ias main and all question arouse coming writing type.and negative marking is 1/3.or last time ias main pass students calling for interview.and selected candidates training start.
ias application form.-
examination fees-
last date online application form.
admit card start print date- service name
1. indian administration services
2. indian police serivce
3. indian foreign services
4. indian revenue services
5. indian forest services
6. Indian P&T Accounts & FINANCE Service, Gr. ‘A’
7. Indian Audit & Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A’
8. Indian Defence Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A
9. Indian Defence Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A
10. Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Gr. ‘A’
11. Indian Postal Service, Gr. ‘A.
12. Indian Railway Accounts Service, Gr. ‘A’
13. Indian Defense Estate Service Gr. ‘A’
14. indian railway administrtion services
15. Indian Information Service Gr. ‘A’
16 Indian Trade Service Gr. ‘A’ (Gr. III)
17 Indian Corporate Law Service Gr. ‘A’
18 Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Services Gr. ‘B’ (Section Officers Grade)
19 Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu, and Dadar& Nagar haveli Civil Service, Gr. ‘B’
20 Pondicherry Civil Services Group B.
upsc ias exam eligiblty -
.the candidates belong in india. any state or nepal/bhuthan etc.
.candidates complet own graduates ya final year student apply online form.
- Students must be the citizen of India.
- They must hold any degree of any of the Recognized Universities.
- Students appearing for their final year degree exam are also eligible to apply for Indian Administrative Service Exam.
- Students with professional and technical qualifications are able to apply.
- Students who have passed a final year of MBBS exam but are yet to complete internship can apply for IAS Prelim Exam 2016.
age limit-
students age between 21 year to 33 year and some caste category relaxation on age .
.sc/st man relaxation 5 year.
.obc/bc man relaxation 3 year.
.general women relaxation 5 year.
.pwd candidates relaxation 3 year.
SOME STEPS ARE FOLLOWING AND FILL IAS PRE FORM.STARTING go to website time you go upsc main website and click here online application form. and part 1st fill your name,fathers name,mothers name, your home address .and qualification details.pate your photo and sign.
1st steps-all detalis your qulafication name,address
2nd steps-go to payment mode by online banking/sbi bank cut challan./visa/debit card
selection of process.
ias vacant ias pre exam question paper are coming objective type.two paper two exam in one day held upsc.
the 1st paper are coming general knowledge and general science.
.and 2nd paper are coming reasoning/minding question/logical question
.if candidates partishipte in ias pre exam.15* students are invites main exam
and all detalis-go to
click here- officiall website
Nice details check here details about UPSC Online form 2017 For Upcoming Exam that will be condcuted by UPSC in year 2017.
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